First Look on Your Wedding Day- Yes or No?

If you’re wondering whether or not you should do a first look on your wedding day, this is for you! There’s a reason the first look has become so popular. As a professional wedding photographer who has photographed many different weddings with, and without, first looks – Here’s why I highly recommend adding a first look with your partner!

What Is A First Look?

You may be wondering: What even is a first look?

A first look is a modern wedding tradition where the Bride and Groom see each other for the first time BEFORE walking down the aisle. It’s usually right after you’re all done getting ready and happens in a private, secluded spot with just the two of you! (And your amazing photographer of course wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Having a first look is really popular because it results in some of the most raw photos on your wedding day. Here are 5 reasons why you should include a first look on your wedding day.

1- It’s a special intimate moment you two get to share alone together

Your wedding day is such a BIG, special and often very busy day! It goes by SO fast and you and your future hubby don’t even get to spend any alone time together at all! You’re always surrounded by so many people. It can be super overwhelming. Taking the time to add a first look before the ceremony, can be really helpful to see your partner and share a special, intimate moment together. You’re able be vulnerable in front of each other without any pressure from anyone else. Which brings me to my next point on why you should do a first look.

Groom seeing his bride for the first time, taking her hand and smiling at her in her short, flowing, white dress with mountains in the background

2- It helps to ease the nerves

You might not think so right now, but most of my couples get extremely nervous for the big moment down the aisle! The bride is worried she might trip. The groom is nervous because there’s this expectation of how he “should” react. Taking time to do a first look can really ease the nerves for both of you! Also, this might shock you, but most of my grooms who do a first look end up getting emotional at the alter! Why? Because without the added pressure, he was able to truly be in the moment and feel his emotions.

Groom in a black suite with a bow tie leading his bride up the stairs in a beautiful vintage mansion with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling
A Bride and Groom slow dancing in front of a big window with the sunlight shining throw illuminating the dust particles in the air from the vintage, old mansion they're standing in

3- Getting to spend time with your guests and enjoy the cocktail hour!

This is a really great reason as to why you should do a first look! After you do the first look you’re able to get family photos and wedding party photos done before the ceremony! Meaning that after the ceremony, you don’t have to worry to try and gather everyone around (trust me, you DO NOT want to try and gather everyone around for photos after the ceremony! The groomsmen are already headed to the bar to get ANOTHER drink. Your single bridesmaids are right behind ’em! Your grandparents are catching up with Aunt Sue who they haven’t seen in decades. It’s chaos). By getting these photos out of the way beforehand, you’re able to truly enjoy the cocktail hour that you spent MONTHS planning! You get to actually spend time with your guests who came to celebrate this day with you. No rush, no hassle, no stress. You can obviously still take some extra photos, but most of the important family photos and wedding party photos will be taken care of and out of the way!

A Bride with her open back lace dress and bridesmaids in their emerald green dresses are having fun dancing at Boom Island Park in Minnesota

4-You get to spend more time with your partner overall

You already had to spend the night apart (or maybe you didn’t, but most of my couples do haha). Now you have to spend the whole day a part as well? You only get to see each other at 3 or 4pm when the ceremony starts? Heck no! That makes no sense! I want to spend as much time as possible with my partner on this absolutely special and important day of our lives! Plus, what better way to see him/her for the first time right after you’re all done up! No need to worry about whether your make up will make it until 4pm or whether your curls will survive the day. You can be fresh as a daisy and see your partner as soon as 12pm! That’s 3-4 more hours together on one of the best days of your lives!

Bride with an open back illusion lace wedding dress with buttons all the way down her spine, walking with her Groom laughing together
Bride and Groom holding each other looking at the camera smiling during a beautiful summers day surrounded by green trees

5- You get more photos of you two together!

If this doesn’t get you excited to do a first look on your wedding day, then I don’t know what will, haha! Having a first look gives you more of a variety of photos with the two of you, as it will most likely be in a different setting than your ceremony photos and sunset photos. Lastly, if you choose to do your first look outside, it may be some of the only photos you get to do outside, as it could possibly rain later on! This has actually happened to some of my couples before and they were SO happy that they did a first look on their wedding day as those were the only photos of them outside.

If you’re still not convinced on why you should do a first like on your wedding day, consider some other options:

Bride in a voluptuous wedding dress, standing near a window with her Groom holding her around the waist from behind
Bride and Groom Standing underneath a clear umbrella with small rain droplets on it
Bride and Groom out of focus holding hands with a zebra in focus in the background

1- Do a reveal with your bridesmaids instead. The hype they will give you is unreal!

Bride twirling around in her wedding dress revealing her final look to her bridesmaids who are smiling and cheering her on

2-Do a first touch, or share a special letter or prayer with your partner instead of a first look

A groom reading private vows to his bride in a field

3- Do a blindfolded kiss!

Blind folded first look between bride and groom couple
Blind folded first look between bride and groom couple

4- Do a first look with just your dad

Bride and dad first look on wedding day
Bride and dad first look on wedding day
Bride and dad first look on wedding day

I hope these reasons will make it easier for you to decide why you should do a first look! I truly LOVE first looks! The emotions I get to experience while photographing these intimate moments for my couples are priceless! If you’re still looking for a photographer for your wedding day, I would absolutely love to connect with you! Please reach out HERE!

Minnesota wedding photographer sitting on a chair brushing her hair out of her face while smirking at the camera

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